31st World Congress on Suicide Prevention

Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre and Online

This 31st World Congress on Suicide Prevention will be held in Australia for the first time since 1997 and aims to provide a significant platform for those involved in suicide […]

Stigma and Policy


In the second seminar of our Spotlight on Stigma series, we will explore why and how policy processes have focused on stigma. Our expert panel will discuss how policy processes can enable […]


National Comorbidity Guidelines Train-the-Trainer Workshop


Are you interested in being trained to deliver mental health training in your workplace? The University of Sydney’s Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use have limited places remaining […]


National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) 2021 Annual Symposium

Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre 21 Mounts Bay Rd, Perth, WA, Australia

The National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) 2021 Annual Symposium will showcase NDRI's research to support evidence informed alcohol and other drugs policy, strategies, and practice. The theme of the symposium […]

$70 – $265

Neuro Cognitive Training and its use in the Swipe App.


The talk will provide an overview of the brain-training used in SWiPE ("approach-avoidance training") and will present the findings of a feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness study conducted with over […]


WA Alcohol and Other Drug Sector Conference 2021

Westin Hotel Perth Westin Hotel, Perth, WA, Australia

The WA Alcohol and Other Drug Sector Conference 2021 aims to provide a platform for esteemed local, national and international speakers with presentations that reflect contemporary issues affecting the sector. […]

2021 Indigenous Wellbeing Conference

Pullman Cairns International Pullman Cairns International 17 Abbott Street, Cairns, Qld, Australia

Description The Indigenous Wellbeing Conference will provide delegates with information about the latest Indigenous-led, grassroot programs and projects taking place around the nation and across the seas. Attendees will learn how […]

Mental Health Week with Jen Cullen


In support and awareness of Mental Health Week (9-16 October 2021), nurse practitioner/mental health nurse Jen Cullen will present a webinar on this important topic. Mental health includes an individual's […]


All of us Festival: Celebrating Mental Health Week

Fogarty Park 42-50 Esplanade, Cairns, Queensland, Australia

This is a not-for-profit family friendly festive event to celebrated National Mental Health Week 2021. This highly visible festival is being planned by a wide range of groups and individuals […]


World Mental Health Day 2021

World Mental Health Day (WMHD) is a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy.  The theme for WMHD 2021 in Australia is, Look after your mental health, Australia. Mental […]

Lifelong consequences of prenatal drug exposure


Newborn drug withdrawal is often attributed to maternal opioids, but many other drugs can cause serious problems in the newborn infant. The impact of prenatal substance exposure extends beyond the […]


Motivational Interviewing Day 2

Palmerston Street Conference Room Vincent Campus, 190 Palmerston Street, Vincent, Queensland, Australia

Motivational interviewing is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change, and is a highly recommended, evidence-based approach to helping people address their substance […]

2021 International Mental Health Conference

RACV Royal Pines Resort RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Please note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions please check with event organisers for all face to face events. The International Mental Health Conference is aimed to promote best practice to professionals, workers […]

It’s the End of the Road for Hep C!


The Kombi Clinic is a four-member, Hepatitis C outreach model of care bringing all the essential elements of testing, treatment and cure to marginalised and homeless people. Their laid-back approach […]


Stigma and the structure of health systems


In the third seminar of our Spotlight on Stigma series, we will explore the organisation and structure of health systems. Our expert panel will discuss how these organisational and structural factors can […]


Ketamine for the treatment of Addictions and Mental Health


How does ketamine work in the treatment of Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health? How is it used around the world and what the evidence?  Dr Nikola Ognyenovits is an Addiction Medicine […]


2021 QNADA Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Hybrid

Karstens 24/215 Adelaide Street, Brisbane City, Qld, Australia

Online attendance: Please log on to Zoom at 10.25am for a 10.30am start. Please ensure you test your microphone and speakers prior to commencement and keep your camera on when […]

QScript Learning: Benzodiazepines and Z-drugs


This presentation aims to provide the health care professional with the principles of rational prescribing and dispensing of benzodiazepines and z-drugs, as well as recommendations of best practice for tapering […]


Relapse Prevention and Management

Palmerston Street Conference Room Vincent Campus, 190 Palmerston Street, Vincent, Queensland, Australia

Relapse prevention is about building the capacity of individuals to maintain and sustain positive changes with their substance use. This 1-day workshop is designed for practitioners who provide direct support […]

Understanding Psychoactive Drugs

TAFE Queensland Cairns Campus Wilkinson Street & Eureka Street, Manunda, QLD, Australia

Prerequisite eLearning: Online Induction Material – Module 2  NB: This course is a pre-requisite for the “Assessing and Managing Withdrawal” workshop. This workshop covers foundational knowledge and concepts required to […]

APSAD Scientific Alcohol and Drug Conference 2021

The Sofitel Central Brisbane 249 Turbot St, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

2021 APSAD Brisbane Hybrid Conference will bring Australian and New Zealand alcohol and other drugs workers together in a multidisciplinary event celebrating 40 years of Bridging Knowledge and Practice. SUPER […]


Cognitive behaviour therapy 4-day masterclass (face to face) – 360edge

Rydges St Kilda 35-37 Fitzroy St St Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

360Edge’s alcohol and other drug cognitive behaviour therapy experts, Professor Nicole Lee, past President and Honorary Fellow of the AACBT, and Paula Ross, Counselling Psychologist and clinical expert, present this […]


Reflective Practice Groups as a Form of Supervision


Reflective Practice Groups (RPGs) aim to promote reflection and critical thinking, provide support, foster team cohesion and help mitigate stress and compassion fatigue in healthcare workers. This talk will explore […]


AOD Clinical Assessment

TAFE Queensland Cairns Campus Wilkinson Street & Eureka Street, Manunda, QLD, Australia

Prerequisite: eLearning - Induction - Module 4 - AOD Clinical Assessment This interactive workshop introduces participants to clinical assessment for alcohol and other drug problems. Topics covered include: raising the […]

Therapeutic interventions for methamphetamine dependence


Crystalline methamphetamine (“ice”) is a significant and growing public health concern in Australia, with approximately 300,000 people now dependent on this drug. There are currently no approved pharmacotherapies that can […]

Introduction to Motivational Interviewing for AOD Use

TAFE Queensland Cairns Campus Wilkinson Street & Eureka Street, Manunda, QLD, Australia

Prerequisite: Online Induction Material – Module 5 This workshop develops core skills in working with clients who are ambivalent about making change to their substance use. This interactive skills-based course covers: […]

Multiple health behaviour change: perspectives from the field


Presenter: Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin (University of Newcastle), Dr. Adrian Dunlop (University of Newcastle and Hunter New England Local Health District) and Dr. Lawrence Dadd (Hunter New England Local Health District) […]

Global Perspectives on Regulating Substances


Global regulation of substances was dominated by the United Nations Single Convention of Narcotic Drugs in 1961 which was followed by the Convention of Psychotropic Substances in 1971. So began […]


The art of thriving at work (online) NEW


Alcohol and other drug work can be challenging and comes with a high rate of burnout. As it can be mentally demanding work, you want to employ self care strategies […]

$265 – $355

Relapse Prevention and Management

TAFE Queensland Cairns Campus Wilkinson Street & Eureka Street, Manunda, QLD, Australia

Prerequisite: eLearning - Induction – Module 6 - Relapse Prevention and Management This workshop will equip workers with practical and positive strategies to assist clients who experience difficulty maintaining their […]

2021 Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) National Conference

Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort Hotel 270 Ocean Drive, Twin Waters, Sunshine Coast Qld 4564

The 2021 Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) National Conference aims to build on the strengths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and celebrate the achievements and innovation in allied health. This […]

Special Guest Panel You CAN Ask That!


For the final presentation of the year a panel of esteemed AOD experts will attempt to answer the complex and curly questions you have submitted over the previous 6 months. […]


2021 Indigenous Wellbeing Conference

Pullman Cairns International Pullman Cairns International 17 Abbott Street, Cairns, Qld, Australia

Please note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic please check with event organisers for all face to face events. The Indigenous Wellbeing Conference will provide delegates with information about the latest Indigenous-led, grassroot […]

9th SNAICC National Conference

Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre and Online

Please be advised: Due to COVID-19 disruptions please check directly with the event organiser for the latest updates on face-to-face events. This conference aims to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander […]

The brain workshop


Understand the inner workings of the brain on drugs and how to work effectively with cognitive impairment Alcohol and other drugs can affect the brain in both consistent and idiosyncratic […]


Is vaping nicotine safer than smoking?


Vaping nicotine is a safer alternative for adult smokers who are unable to quit. Smokers who switch to vaping are exposed to far fewer toxins in much lower doses and […]


Understanding CBT for alcohol and other drugs workers


Learn how to apply key CBT skills in alcohol and other drug settings This workshop offers a practical introduction to core practice skills in alcohol and other drug treatment. You […]


The how and why of MI


Understand what really makes motivational interviewing tick Gain core motivational interviewing skills and a deep understanding of the spirit and philosophy of motivational interviewing in this interactive online workshop so […]


Non-opioid prescription misuse – new kids on the block


While much is known about the prevalence and associated harms of prescription opioid and benzodiazepine misuse, knowledge is still emerging about other prescription drug misuse. More recently the spotlight has […]


2022 Frontline Mental Health Conference

Sea World Conference Centre Seaworld Dr, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

The theme of the 2022 Frontline Mental Health Conference is Working together - Exploring an integrated health wellbeing approach. The conference will provide delegates the opportunity to share their approach to greater […]


Working with families in alcohol and other drug settings


Gain advanced clinical practice skills in working with families  Work more effectively with families and carers of people who use alcohol and other drugs, whether the person using drugs is […]


Lifelong consequences of prenatal drug exposure


Prenatal drug exposure is one of the fastest growing public health problems in the world. A great deal of attention is focused on treating the infant's withdrawal after birth and […]


Trauma informed care


Respond sensitively and effectively to people who have experienced trauma  A large proportion of people in alcohol and other drug treatment have experienced trauma as a child or adult. In […]


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference

Sea World Conference Centre Seaworld Dr, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference is designed to provide practical skills, relevant information, personal insight, and strategies for professionals committed to the mental health and wellbeing of young […]

Alcohol advertising patterns and harm-reduction messaging


About this event This presentation will focus on the strategies used by alcohol marketers to promote their products, impending trends in alcohol distribution, effective approaches for messaging about alcohol-related harms, […]


Integrating MI with CBT


Effectively blend motivational interviewing and CBT to achieve better client outcomes Boost your effectiveness with clients by seamlessly integrating these two key approaches in alcohol and other drug treatment. Through […]


Insight (Qld) and 360Edge also offer AOD related trainings and workshops