Nundah Community Health Centre
Nundah Community Health Centre

10 Nellie Street, Nundah QLD, AustraliaWebsite opening hours
Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:30pmAbout Nundah Community Health Centre
Nundah Community Health Centre offers a range of community health services for children and adults living in Nundah and surrounding suburbs. However, they do not provide Alcohol and Other Drug Services other than Needle and Syringe Program.
Needle and Syringes Programs (NSP): This program will provide sterile injecting equipment includes needles and ‘sharps bins’ for the safe disposal of used needles and syringes. The 24/7 syringe vending machines are also available at Biala (Brisbane City), Redcliffe and Caboolture Community Health Centre which can dispense packs for a small fee.
Intake, assessment and referral
No referral needed for Needle and Syringe Program.