Anxiety and alcohol use: what clinicians need to know


Register for upcoming webinars on evidence-based practice The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Health to develop a series of on-demand webinars on evidence-based practice. From May, the Comorbidity Project team will host monthly webinars focused on […]


AADANT Drug and Alcohol Conference: Diversify and Adapt

Darwin Convention Centre 10 Stokes Hill Rd, Darwin City, NT, Australia

The Association of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies NT (AADANT) will hold their annual drug and alcohol conference on May 18-19 2021 in Darwin at the Darwin Convention Centre. The two-day event will focus on diversifying and adapting within the NT AOD Sector. You can view a schedule of events through this link on their website. […]


National Comorbidity Guidelines Train-the-Trainer Day


Are you interested in being trained to deliver mental health training in your workplace? The University of Sydney’s Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use have limited places remaining for our National Comorbidity Guidelines Train-the-Trainer Workshops.  The training is based on the Australian Government Department of Health-funded National Comorbidity Guidelines (Guidelines on the management of co-occurring alcohol […]


Integrating motivational interviewing with cognitive behaviour therapy (online) – 360edge

In this workshop participants will learn how to effectively blend motivational interviewing and CBT to achieve better client outcomes. Participants will understand the similarities and differences in the two approaches and discover how to move seamlessly between these core approaches in alcohol and other drug treatment. This workshop combines with CBT for AOD to further […]

Superskills for supervisors (online) – 360edge

The key to practice improvement is great supervision. Build your own leadership skills and contribute to the next generation of practitioners. Are you a supervisor in the alcohol and other drug sector or want to become one? Have you found yourself supervising others with no training on how to do supervision effectively?  If you are ready […]


Help! I’ve been subpoenaed (online) – 360edge

Do you know what to say and do if you are subpoenaed to appear in court? Do you feel confident writing a report for court? Nearly 50% of alcohol and other drug workers have had their case notes subpoenaed. Are yours court-ready? Write great case notes and feel confident giving evidence in court with this practical […]


Psychosis and substance use: what clinicians need to know


Register for upcoming webinars on evidence-based practice The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Health to develop a series of on-demand webinars on evidence-based practice. From May, the Comorbidity Project team will host monthly webinars focused on […]


Navigating complexity in alcohol and other drug settings (online) – 360edge

New training based on the most up to date evidence based information! This training will assist alcohol and drug workers to best respond to comorbid alcohol and other drug and mental health conditions. Participants will learn how to adapt and expand on their existing skills to assist clients to manage their mental health symptoms whilst […]


Breaking the ice (online) – 360edge

Find out how to adapt cognitive behavioural therapy and motivational interviewing interventions for people who use methamphetamine in specialist alcohol and other drug treatment. Cost: Earlybird: $295 | Standard: $355 | (Book 5 or more spaces for your team and save an additional 10% off the earlybird rate) Facilitator: Paula Ross More Information


Overview of the changes to The Salvation Army QLD AOD Services


The Salvation Army has been a long standing provider of AOD services nationally. Recent national changes have resulted in a change of direction for QLD AOD services. This webinar will provide an overview regarding the updated program structure, including residential program content and length, admission criteria for services and additional services now available across the state.  Sally-ann […]


Implementing evidence-based practices: what AOD managers and workers need to know


Register for upcoming webinars on evidence-based practice The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Health to develop a series of on-demand webinars on evidence-based practice. From May, the Comorbidity Project team will host monthly webinars focused on […]


CBT 4 AOD Workers: Foundational Skills (2-days)

Biala Community Health Centre Edwards-Miller Conference Room, Floor 4, Biala Community Health Centre, 270 Roma Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (CBTs) are goal-focussed, flexible and time-limited therapy approaches which seek to guide people to become more aware of their thinking, feeling and behaviour patterns, and enhance skills to help support their goals for change. This 2-day intensive, skills-based workshop is targeted towards AOD and mental health workers who wish to build or hone […]

The impact of COVID-19 on people receiving Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT)


This presentation will draw on the experiences of people receiving and providing Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic required Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) services to adapt quickly to ensure continuity of care. The CHOICE Study uses data collected from 70 in-depth interviews (40 people receiving OAT; 30 providers) to explore how OAT […]


Hepatitis C Workshop for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Health Practitioners


This free two-part online workshop aims to help participants when yarning about hepatitis C with their colleagues. The sessions aim to provide practical skills and knowledge in hepatitis C diagnosis and care to support clients and communities. The sessions will be run via Zoom and will include a mix of presentations, case studies, and discussions. […]


2021 International Mental Health Conference

RACV Royal Pines Resort RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

The International Mental Health Conference is aimed to promote best practice to professionals, workers and volunteers. Those in attendance will have the opportunity to grow meaningful connections and gain insight into the implementation of meaningful solutions to mental health care. The conference will feature a collaboration with international mental health leaders, practical tools to improve […]

Motivational Interviewing: 2


Motivational interviewing is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change, and is a highly recommended, evidence-based approach to helping people address their substance use behaviours.     It is recommended for all practitioners based in AOD and mental health settings who provide direct support to people experiencing substance […]

AOD and the Brain

YETI 3 Winkworth Street, Bungalow, Queensland, Australia

This full day workshop targets practitioners working in specialist alcohol and drug and mental health settings who want to develop an in-depth neurobiological understanding of how psychoactive substances affect the brain and body. By the end of this workshop learners will be able to: Classify different drugs based on their effects Understand the anatomy of […]

Emotion regulation skills for alcohol and other drug workers (online) – 360edge

We all have strong emotions from time to time, and being able to recognise and self regulate emotions is a skill that is learned. This workshop you will gain skills to assist your clients to better manage their emotions. Learning outcomes Understand how lifestyle factors can impact on a person’s ability to regulate emotions Understand […]


CBT 4 AOD Workers: Foundational Skills (2-days)

Gold Coast University Hospital Parklands Drive, Southport, QLD, Australia

Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (CBTs) are goal-focussed, flexible and time-limited therapy approaches which seek to guide people to become more aware of their thinking, feeling and behaviour patterns, and enhance skills to help support their goals for change. This 2-day intensive, skills-based workshop is targeted towards AOD and mental health workers who wish to build or hone […]

Stress, Nutrition and Neuroscience, their Relationship and Role in the Treatment of Addiction


Nutrition status affects our mental and physical health, and understanding the relationship between stress, nutrition and neuroscience is an important consideration in the treatment of addiction. This presentation will explore this relationship and provide tips for workers on how to use knowledge of nutrition and neuroscience to facilitate better treatment outcomes. Lisa Cutforth qualified with […]


Dovetail – Young People and Drugs

Biala Community Health Centre Edwards-Miller Conference Room, Floor 4, Biala Community Health Centre, 270 Roma Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

This full-day workshop targets practitioners who work directly with young people aged 12 - 25 years in a one-on-one capacity including youth workers, alcohol and drug workers / clinicians, child safety officers, youth justice officers, residential support workers, youth support coordinators, school-based youth health nurses, Indigenous health workers, mental health professionals, guidance officers and employment […]

Getting to know AOD services – Open Doors Youth Service Inc


This event is part of a series of brief informal sessions designed to introduce workers to the various AOD services in Queensland. If you've ever wanted to do a service visit but couldn't find the time, or you just wanted to know more about particular services, we encourage you to attend. Open Doors Youth Service […]


Mental health and alcohol use in young Australians during COVID-19


This presentation will cover changes in mental health and alcohol-related harm for young Australians during COVID-19. About this event In this webinar Dr Philip Clare will discuss the findings of two recent articles published on the Australian Parental Supply of Alcohol Longitudinal Study (APSALS) cohort, on changes in mental health and alcohol use/harms during the […]


Motivational Interviewing (2-days)

Biala Community Health Centre Edwards-Miller Conference Room, Floor 4, Biala Community Health Centre, 270 Roma Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

Motivational interviewing is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change, and is a highly recommended, evidence-based approach to helping people address their substance use behaviours.  It is recommended for all practitioners based in AOD and mental health settings who provide direct support to people experiencing substance use concerns. […]

Quitskills Brief Intervention Training for Tackling Indigenous Smoking (Qld)

Wondai Hospital Bramston Street, WONDAI, qld, Australia

The Quitskills program Tackling Indigenous Smoking Brief Intervention is a three-day nationally recognised training on smoking cessation. The aim of this training is to: increase your skills, knowledge and confidence so that you can assess and discuss smoking behaviour with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people successfully support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to […]

Negotiating roadblocks in therapy (online) – 360edge

Therapeutic impasses can be frustrating and difficult to resolve. They can also impact on the effectiveness of therapy. In this workshop, you will learn how to identify and resolve roadblocks to ensure therapy is most effective. Learning outcomes Understand client and therapist behaviours that interfere with therapy Learn how to identify and resolve roadblocks in […]


QScript Learning: Introducing QScript and the new Medicines and Poisons Act (2019)


Queensland Health provides a range of services aimed at achieving good health and well-being for all Queenslanders. In 2021, it is anticipated that QScript a real-time prescription monitoring system will be available to prescribers and pharmacists. Prescription medicine related harms is multifaceted and requires both system level and individual level action to succeed. QScript is […]


Motivational Interviewing: 3


Motivational interviewing is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change, and is a highly recommended, evidence-based approach to helping people address their substance use behaviours.     It is recommended for all practitioners based in AOD and mental health settings who provide direct support to people experiencing substance […]

Relapse Prevention and Management

Biala Community Health Centre Edwards-Miller Conference Room, Floor 4, Biala Community Health Centre, 270 Roma Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

Relapse prevention is about building the capacity of individuals to maintain and sustain positive changes with their substance use. This 1-day workshop is designed for practitioners who provide direct support to people with AOD concerns who wish to better understand and communicate strategies, tools and techniques that can help someone stay in recovery through the […]

Assessing and Managing Withdrawal

Palmerston Street Conference Room Vincent Campus, 190 Palmerston Street, Vincent, Queensland, Australia

Assessing and managing withdrawal is one of the core components of alcohol and other drug treatment.  This course provides an overview of the assessment and management of withdrawal for people who are dependent on alcohol and other drugs as outlined in the Queensland Alcohol and Drug Withdrawal Clinical Practice Guidelines.  Covering the five main substances […]

Motivational Interviewing: 4


Motivational interviewing is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change, and is a highly recommended, evidence-based approach to helping people address their substance use behaviours.  It is recommended for all practitioners based in AOD and mental health settings who provide direct support to people experiencing substance use concerns. […]

AOD and the Brain

Biala Community Health Centre Edwards-Miller Conference Room, Floor 4, Biala Community Health Centre, 270 Roma Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

This full day workshop targets practitioners working in specialist alcohol and drug and mental health settings who want to develop an in-depth neurobiological understanding of how psychoactive substances affect the brain and body. By the end of this workshop learners will be able to: Classify different drugs based on their effects Understand the anatomy of […]

Sensory Approaches for AOD Practice

Biala Community Health Centre Edwards-Miller Conference Room, Floor 4, Biala Community Health Centre, 270 Roma Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

NB: This 1-day workshop requires workers to have a foundational level of knowledge of AOD practice Sensory Approaches is a collective term for a range of interventions which utilise the sensory systems to regulate levels of bodily arousal when a person is experiencing symptoms of distress and agitation. They are commonly used in mental health services as […]

The experience of being released from jail: a case study


This presentation will describe an Australian man’s experience of leaving prison and attending a supported accommodation service. About this event Combining data from semi-structured qualitative interviews with men who received supported accommodation following release from prison, initial results from our systematic review, and a preliminary analysis of a supported accommodation’s service model, this webinar will […]


Strathpine Stepping Forward

Strathpine Community Centre Strathpine Community Centre - Community Corrections Level 1/199 Gympie Road Strathpine, QLD 4500

Family Drug Support presents ‘Stepping Forward’ providing - √ Clear & practical information session √ A safe place to share & to feel supported The 2-hour session on offer covering – 1. Families Stages of Change - Information about the Stages of Behaviour Change for people using substances -Understanding why people use alcohol and other […]


Insight (Qld) and 360Edge also offer AOD related trainings and workshops