Queensland Alcohol and other Drug Treatment Service Delivery Framework

The Queensland Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) Sector Network is excited to officially announce the release of the 2022 Queensland Alcohol & Other Drug Treatment Service Delivery Framework (TSDF).

Updated from 2015, this iteration outlines the contemporary approach to AOD treatment and harm reduction in Queensland and brings it in line with recently released national frameworks. It is designed to support a shared understanding of the aims and functions of Queensland’s specialist AOD treatment and harm reduction services system.

The updated TSDF was developed through comprehensive sector consultation and review. It is relevant to anyone with AOD in the scope of their work, or who simply wants to know more about Queensland’s AOD services system, including funders and commissioners of services, and other service sectors.

The Queensland AOD Sector Network thanks everyone involved in the update of the framework for sharing their time, wisdom, and expertise over the last two years. We look forward to continuing to support the ongoing growth and development of Queensland’s AOD services system.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss the latest TSDF, please contact sean.popovich@qnada.org.au.

Download a copy of the Framework here.


The Queensland AOD Sector Network is:

Posted to Announcements on Fri 5 2022