Let’s Talk About Syphilis


Let’s Talk About Syphilis is an educational campaign to raise awareness about syphilis and highlight the importance of testing, prevention and treatment. Go to Ladypeeps.org.au to find out more engaging and non-stigmatising resources and information, and this may help to better inform a holistic health response for AOD treatment services.


Getting Started in the AOD Sector

QNADA Resources

Getting started in the AOD sector is intended for people who are new to alcohol and other drugs (AOD) work. It introduces the AOD service system and landscape in Queensland, highlighting key state and national frameworks along with foundational practice tips and reflections to get you started in the sector.


Working with AOD clients who experience mental health issues

QNADA Resources

This factsheet is designed to provide new AOD workers with foundational information and resources to support clients who are experiencing co-occurring AOD and mental health issues.


National Framework for Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drug Treatment 2019-2029

National Reports & Frameworks

The National Framework for Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug Treatment aims at ensuring all Australians seeking alcohol and other drug treatment can access high quality treatment appropriate to their needs, when and where they need it. It includes principles for effective treatment, monitoring and evaluation.


National Quality Framework for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services

National Reports & Frameworks

The National Quality Framework provides a national agreement on a quality benchmark for the delivery of AOD treatment services which allows for implementation based on funding sources and jurisdictional regulatory and non-regulatory approaches.


ACT Pill Testing Trial 2019: Program evaluation


This is the final report of the external, independent evaluation of the 2019 Canberra Groovin the Moo (GTM) Pill Testing Trial service which was conducted at Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC) on 28 April 2019.


Patterns of alcohol and other drug treatment service use in Australia: 1 July 2014 – 30 June 2018

National Reports & Frameworks

This report is prepared by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) to explore the service use patterns of clients who received treatment from publicly funded
specialist AOD treatment services between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2018.


Working with AOD clients experiencing housing issues & homelessness

QNADA Resources

This fact sheet has been designed for AOD services that may be working with clients experiencing problems with housing or homelessness. The fact sheet busts common myths, describes common housing support options, and provides tips on supporting clients with housing and homelessness referrals.


Alcohol and other Drugs Treatment Fact Sheet for non-AOD services

QNADA Resources

This fact sheet has been designed for non-AOD services that may be working with clients experiencing problems with alcohol and other drugs. The fact sheet busts common myths, describes common treatment options, and provides tips on supporting clients with AOD referrals.


Queensland Alcohol and other Drug Treatment & Harm Reduction Outcomes Framework

QNADA Resources

The Queensland Alcohol and other Drug Treatment and Harm Reduction Outcomes Framework (THROF) describes the way Queensland alcohol and other drugs (AOD) treatment and harm reduction services can measure their impact. It suggests a series of outcome indicators that, when measured and considered in the context of each other and specific treatment types, help to inform service quality.

The THROF is intended for services to use as a guide to self-identify a range of client, organisational and system outcome indicators, which they consider most relevant to their service model for implementation. The THROF is not intended to replace organisational policy or compel organisations or workers to measure outcomes in any particular way.


ADIS Videos


Working in partnership and funded by the 4 regional Primary Health Networks (PHN), North Queensland, Western Queensland, Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast and Wide Bay and Darling Downs and West Moreton; QNADA, ADIS (Alcohol and Drug Information Service) developed a social media campaign targeting the 4 PHN regions encouraging people to seek help for themselves or a family member or friend by accessing the ADIS 24/7 telephone support and counselling service.  11 short vignettes were developed utilizing local spokespersons including PHN CEOs and staff, football players, musicians, community members, a family member with a lived experience, ADIS staff and leaders from the sector.  The social media campaign was run throughout July 2018. Click on the link to view the videos!


Report on the Queensland AOD Sector Convention 2018

QNADA Reports

The Queensland AOD Sector Convention was held in Brisbane on 22 June 2018 at Brisbane City Hall and brought together 110 service managers, policy makers and sector leaders from across the government and non-government alcohol and drugs sector in Queensland.

The Queensland AOD Sector Network is pleased to release a copy of the Convention Report and announce that the draft Queensland AOD Treatment and Harm Reduction Outcomes Framework (THROF) was overwhelmingly endorsed at the event. The THROF will be officially released by the end of the year following amendments suggested at the Convention and further consultation with the Community Controlled Sector.

The full list of Queensland AOD Sector Resolutions for 2018 can be found on page 7 of the report.
