Methamphetamine use in Australia

National Reports & Frameworks

Methamphetamine use in Australia Ann Roche, Alice McEntee, Jane Fischer, & Victoria Kostadinov There is growing concern about methamphetamine use in Australia. This document provides an overview of current patterns and trends in methamphetamine use and associated harms in Australia, with a particular focus on ice.


Champions of Inclusion: A guide to creating LGBTI inclusive organisations


With a significant amount of learnings from the Champions pilot project facilitated by MindOUT! by 2013-14, this resource provides a framework for organisations wishing to instigate a LGBTI Champions project across a diverse range of workplaces and groups, including mental health and suicide prevention services and organisations.


Addressing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in Australia

National Reports & Frameworks

This paper gives an overview of FASD as well as a summary of its impacts in Australia. Finally it gives recommendations on dealing/preventing it.


QNADA – Consultation Summary Report: Consultations with Service Providers and Clients, Family and Friends on the Development of an AOD Action Plan

QNADA Reports

The Queensland Mental Health Commission (QMHC) is developing an Action Plan that will outline actions to be taken by government agencies, non-government organisations and other partners to prevent and reduce the adverse impact of alcohol and drugs on the health and wellbeing of Queenslanders. This work sits under Shared Commitment to Action 3 (priority area actions) of the Queensland Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Strategic Plan 2014-20191.


Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia 2015–16

National Reports & Frameworks

Alcohol and other drug treatment services assist people to address their problematic drug use through a range of treatments. Treatment objectives can include reduction or cessation of drug use as well as improvements to social and personal functioning. Assistance may also be provided to support the family and friends of people using drugs. This document follows and highlights from the Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services National Minimum Data Set (AODTS NMDS).


Making Waves – Understanding and treating people with severe emotional and interpersonal issues


This book builds upon two earlier Making Waves booklets, developed by Dr Kate Hall, Dr Tiffany Reichart, Jacqui Cameron and Dr Amy Pennay: » Recognising and managing treatment interfering behaviours: A guide for clinicians » An introduction to managing deliberate self-harm: A guide for AOD clinicians. These booklets can be downloaded from the Turning Point website


It’s not a one way street: Project Gauge alcohol and other drug client engagement and participation discussion paper


This discussion paper provides an outline of the current research, legislation, frameworks and principles of client engagement and participation (CEP), and more specifically within the alcohol and other drugs (AOD) sector.


Alcohol’s burden of disease in Australia

National Reports & Frameworks

The present report utilises the most up to date methodology for estimating alcohol-related harm and beneficial effects and includes data on consumption statistics for Australia in 2010. This includes application of the latest methods to determine alcohol consumption distribution in population and compensation for underreporting of alcohol consumption in national surveys, and for the first time reports jurisdictional differences in both alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms across all Australian states and territories.


Bail and remand for young people in Australia: A national research project


The custodial remand of young people has recently emerged as a key issue for youth justice in Australia, due primarily to concerns about perceived increases in young people on custodial remand. While a number of research studies and reviews on this topic have recently been published, this report provides the first detailed national consideration of the issue.


Family Inclusive Practice: Position Statement


Families affected by an individual’s AOD use can carry a heavy burden. Problematic AOD use can significantly strain relationships, increase social isolation and undermine families’ resilience and physical, emotional and financial security, regardless of their socio-economic status. FIP works with the family as a whole and sees the family unit, as well as individual members, as the unit of intervention (Battams et al, 2010).


Youth alcohol and drug practice guide 1: A framework for youth alcohol and other drug practice


This Guide outlines a framework for working with young people whose AOD use creates significant cant vulnerability to current or future harm. A clear message from practitioners and research is that in order to respond to a young person’s vulnerability, a broad rather than narrow approach is needed. A broad approach sees various factors and pathways into and out of problematic AOD use by young people.


A resource for strengthening therapeutic practice frameworks in youth alcohol and other drug services


This resource has been compiled for the purpose of enabling youth alcohol and other drug (AOD) services to develop and/or strengthen their therapeutic practice frameworks.
