QNADA submission to the Inquiry into Australia’s illicit drug problem: challenges and opportunities for law enforcement

Late last year QNADA developed a submission for the Commonwealth Inquiry into Australia’s illicit drug problem: challenges and opportunities for law enforcement. The submission identified 5 key areas of improvement to the existing Australian approach to illicit drug law enforcement:

  1. The removal of criminal penalties for possession (decriminalisation) as a prudent strategy to reduce the investment required over time to process people through the criminal justice system and increase opportunities for people to access treatment when they need it.
  2. A review of current approaches across law enforcement, treatment and harm reduction to ensure an appropriate balance across the three pillars of the National Drug Strategy in future investment.
  3. Focused awareness-raising and training for police and other law enforcement entities on the impact of stigma and discrimination for people who use drugs.
  4. The establishment of a new national governance framework to support effective coordination of the National Drug Strategic Framework, which includes representation from NGO AOD peak bodies.
  5. A reinforced and sustained commitment by law enforcement agencies to support the implementation of evidence based harm reduction strategies such as drug checking services, safe injecting facilities, expanded diversion initiatives and improved access to naloxone.

QNADA’s submission to the Inquiry into Australia’s illicit drug problem: challenges and opportunities for law enforcement is available at https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Law_Enforcement/IllicitDrugs/Submissions

Posted to Submissions on Tue 2 2023