One week to go until Winter School!

Just one week left to register for Australian Winter School!

Australian Winter School kicks off in Brisbane next Thursday, 25 July. If you’re planning to attend but haven’t yet registered, time is running out.

We’re looking forward to bringing AOD workers, researchers, policy-makers and influencers from across the alcohol and other drug sector together in Brisbane to think, learn, collaborate and network.

Our conference streams explore what’s happening in harm reduction. We’ll also do a deep dive into treatment approaches and hear from people with a lived experience of AOD issues. Panel sessions will discuss topical issues such as festival safety, AOD and primary care, and the new Queensland Human Rights Act.

View the conference program. To learn more about Australian Winter School 2019 visit our website.  To register head to Eventbrite.

Australian Winter School is proudly supported by

Australian Winter School is proudly presented by

Queensland Alcohol and other Drug Treatment and Harm Reduction Outcomes Framework

It’s official!

The Queensland AOD Treatment and Harm Reduction Outcomes Framework (THROF) is now available for download.

The THROF is the first of its kind in Australia and represents the Queensland AOD sector consensus on what can reasonably be expected of AOD treatment and harm reduction services. It describes the way AOD services can measure their impact and suggests a series of outcome indicators that, when measured and considered in the context of each other and specific treatment types, help to inform service quality.

The THROF is intended for services to use as a guide to self-identify a range of client, organisational and system outcome indicators, which they consider most relevant to their service model for implementation.

If you would like more information about the framework, please get in touch!

New Government plan sets the stage for improving outcomes for Queenslanders

QNADA congratulates the Queensland Mental Health Commission on the release of a new five year plan for Queensland Government to address mental health, alcohol and other drugs and suicide prevention. This plan, Shifting Minds: Queensland Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategic Plan 2018-2023 has a vision for delivery of a fair and inclusive Queensland where all people can live lives with meaning and purpose.

Dr Steven Miles MP, Minister for Health and Ambulance Services at the launch yesterday said that, “ongoing reform is fundamental to achieving better outcomes for people with lived experiences. Our goal is a system that is better geared to assist people before they reach crisis. Shifting Minds will now set a direction for our future investment and reform.”

Rebecca Lang, Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies (QNADA) applauds both the Queensland Mental Health Commission and the Queensland Government for the plan’s specific focus on alcohol harm minimisation and drug policy reform which she says “has the potential to be a game-changer for Queenslanders experiencing problems related to their alcohol and drug use and their families.”

Ms Lang, (QNADA) says, “We look forward to working with the Commission to implement the plan and call on the Queensland Government to ensure the plan is backed by appropriate resourcing to translate these good intentions into positive outcomes for Queenslanders.”

The Commission’s strategic plan is based on stakeholder consultation and is available in full at

Report on the Qld AOD Sector Convention 2018

The Queensland AOD Sector Convention was held in Brisbane on 22 June 2018 at Brisbane City Hall and brought together 110 service managers, policy makers and sector leaders from across the government and non-government alcohol and drugs sector in Queensland.

The Queensland AOD Sector Network is pleased to release a copy of the Convention Report and announce that the draft Queensland AOD Treatment and Harm Reduction Outcomes Framework (THROF) was overwhelmingly endorsed at the event. The THROF will be officially released by the end of the year following amendments suggested at the Convention and further consultation with the Community Controlled Sector.

The full list of Queensland AOD Sector Resolutions for 2018 can be found on page 7 of the report. Click on the image to view the report!

New report shows the real impact of stigma and discrimination

QNADA congratulates the Queensland Mental Health Commission on the release of the Changing Attitudes, Changing Lives report which reveals the extent of stigma and discrimination on people experiencing problems related to their alcohol and other drug (AOD) use. 

Rebecca Lang, Chief Executive of the Queensland Network of Alcohol and Drug Agencies (QNADA) says, ‘The research this report contains confirms what we have long known – experiencing stigma and discrimination is sadly a common occurrence in the everyday lives of people experiencing problematic alcohol and other drug use.”

‘Hearing people describe, in detail, multiple, specific times that they had been judged, treated badly, looked down upon or excluded because of their AOD use is distressing.’

When asked how these experiences of stigma and discrimination made them feel, people involved in the research described feelings of degradation, shame and anger. This contributes to further problematic use for people and creates a barrier to asking for help. Some people are also discouraged from seeking help by the stigma they face from health care professionals and the broader community as users of alcohol and other drugs.

Ms Lang applauds the Queensland Mental Health Commissioner, Ivan Frkovic, for identifying 18 options for change that will focus on educating and changing individual attitudes, challenging stereotypes, reforming policies and laws, and highlighting AOD use as a health concern, rather than a moral or criminal issue.

The Commission’s reform options are based on stakeholder consultation, as well as research by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre. Both reports are available at

For more information, anecdotes or comment, please contact Rebecca Lang on 0408 669 590.

Reinstatement of Queensland’s Drug and Alcohol Court

QNADA welcomes the reinstatement of Queensland’s Drug and Alcohol Court (the Court) which was launched yesterday morning. The Court will link offenders whose substance use contributes to their offending behaviour with intensive case management and treatment services.

Queenslanders have been unable to access this important service for more than four years after it was discontinued in 2012. Yesterday’s launch comes after the completion of a significant review of the Drug and Specialists Courts system in 2016. 

Rebecca Lang, CEO of the Queensland Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies (QNADA), attended the launch yesterday morning alongside the Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Yvette D’Ath  and Chief Magistrate, Judge Ray Rinaudo. 

Ms Lang congratulated the Palaszczuk government for both the re-establishment of the Court and the review process itself which she says was “wide-ranging, comprehensive, and really left no stone unturned. This new model will build and improve upon the model that was discontinued in 2012.”

The Court will initially operate in Brisbane but will look to expand in Queensland once the model has been evaluated and refined.  A multi-disciplinary team, will work with participants while they complete their treatment.  The team includes Legal Aid Queensland, Corrective Services, Queensland Health, Queensland Police Service, Department of Justice and Attorney General, and non-government treatment services.

Ms Lang continued, “QNADA is pleased that non-government treatment providers are involved in the assessment, treatment, and case management planning for Drug Court participants. These treatment services are best placed to provide accurate information to the Drug and Alcohol Court team and the Chief Magistrate about the treatment and support they can provide to clients.  Ongoing involvement and collaboration will support positive relationships between the court and service providers and ultimately will be critical to its success.”

Ms Lang also acknowledged Lives Lived Well and the Salvation Army, both QNADA members, for their participation in the pilot program by providing places in their residential programs.

QNADA is the peak organisation representing the views of 49 non-government alcohol and other drug treatment services.  Through our sector expertise, network of experienced members and links across complementary human service delivery sectors, QNADA is well-placed to provide practical advice and front-line service delivery experiences to inform policy and program advancement for the sector.

For more information, anecdotes or comment, please contact Rebecca Lang on 0408 669 590.

Problematic use in rural and regional Qld

QNADA CEO, Rebecca Lang is quoted in Regional Quest newspapers in this report which explores the extent of problematic substance use in regional Queensland.