#ThrowbackThursday: Reefer Madness? Cannabis, the criminal justice system, and decriminalisation in the ACT

In September 2019, the ACT Parliament passed legislation allowing personal possession, use, and cultivation of cannabis for people over the age of 18 while it remains illegal to buy, sell, give or receive cannabis. It’s this duality that has the ACT government describing the change as ‘decriminalisation’ while most media outlets referring it to ‘legalisation’. So what’s actually going on?

Read more about this QNADAfocus article here: Reefer Madness? Cannabis, the criminal justice system, and decriminalisation in the ACT (page 6)

QNADA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2023

QNADA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2023 is here! The revised strategy recognises our organisational values of integrity, accountability and diversity and more explicitly acknowledges that our work occurs across three main streams of working with member organisations, working with policy makers and working with systems managers to support the delivery of high quality AOD treatment and harm reduction services in Queensland.

Click on the image below to view the full plan.


QNADAfocus Issue 2 2021 is out now!

This issue’s theme is Human rights and drug policy, and it includes articles on:

  • Introducing the International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy and their intersection with the Queensland Human Rights Act
  • Member Spotlight: Insights on self-determination in health from Galangoor Duwalami Primary Healthcare
  • The potential for decriminalisation to contribute to reducing social inequality in Queensland
  • The intersection of drug policy and development in Australia
  • On the topic of drugs and children

Click on the photo below to view the full newsletter.

#ThrowbackThursday: Hoping for the best: disaster preparedness

With the recent extreme weather conditions and the ongoing uncertainty of COVID-19, emergency preparedness has become an essential consideration to ensure service continuity for the AOD sector and for the clients.

Read more on #QNADAfocus article: Hoping for the best: disaster preparednesshttps://qnada.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Fin_20200421_Issue-2.pdf

#ThrowbackThursday: Stigma, bias and lived experience

Everyone holds implicit biases that we aren’t actively aware of, but they do permeate and informs our everyday behaviours and attitudes. The impact of negative implicit bias and stereotype is pervasive across all important life domains (access to health care, employment etc.) and it is one of the most important barriers to overcome for people who experience problematic alcohol and other drug use.

Read more on #QNADAfocus artcle: Stigma, bias and lived experience – explanatory notes in the guise of a sightseer’s tale

QNADA 2020 Annual Report is out now!

Click on the image below to read the full annual report to see what QNADA has achieved in the 2019-2020 financial year!

Tomorrow There’s a Sunrise – A powerful music video by Sunrise Way and Josh Arnold

Sunrise Way, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation service in Toowoomba, announced the release of it’s long-awaited music video for “Tomorrow There’s a Sunrise”.

The song was written by Josh Arnold from Small Town Culture and Sunrise Way residents, as part of their recovery program.  Sunrise Way graduates Gina Buchanan and Mark Thomas feature in the video clip and hope the videoclip assists individuals who are affected by drug and alcohol use to access services.

Ms Buchanan said that domestic violence led her to substance abuse.

“I was in a relationship with a guy that would beat me and lock me in a room.  Drugs were a way to numb my life.  I was that desperate to be loved, that when my ex would give me drugs, that’s when we’d get on.  That was our bonding time.  The cycle of shame and guilt is when drugs became a problem for me.”

“There are so many more people than you realise who are affected by drugs, addiction, and domestic violence but they are too ashamed to talk.  I’m no longer ashamed.  I know that if the song touches one person and they get help, my job is done.”

Mr Thomas indicates that social media was the catalyst for him to access rehabilitation at Sunrise Way.

“I had seen a post on Facebook.   It was a before and after photo of a male who had been on ice.  The before photo was 2 years prior and showed him as thin and gaunt.  The after photo was a healthy, strong man.  He was a picture of health.  Social media provided the glimpse of who I wanted to be.  I believe the “Tomorrow There’s a Sunrise” videoclip can provide the same impact.”

Mr Thomas said that the Facebook post which triggered him to access help changed his view of rehabilitation and saved his life.

“It quickly enabled me to see rehab in a positive light.  It questioned my prejudice and misunderstanding of what rehab is.  It’s not a dirty word.  Ice had been having such a terrible effect on my life.  It was a drug which took me to the brink of death.  For me to request help was the bravest decision of my life.”

Both graduates completed the Sunrise Way program last year, and are on a pathway of success with both undertaking studies to work in the health sector.  Mr Thomas stated that the Sunrise Way program helped him realise his purpose.

“I’m currently studying a Bachelor of Human Services at USQ.  My previous career choices didn’t sit well with me.  The intrinsic value wasn’t there.  I knew I would be good in a counselling role however active addiction was the brick wall that didn’t allow me to move forward.  That all changed through Sunrise Way.  I have discovered within me a well of compassion.  Gaining a deeper level of compassion and a strong sense of self-worth were a couple of the benefits of overcoming trauma and addiction. I realised that I could achieve what I wanted to. I love the man that I have become and I’m very proud to be able to give back to the community.”

Ms Buchanan felt that she was too old to change her life direction.

“I’ve always wanted to be a nurse.  I love helping people.  I’m 43 and thought that I’d missed the boat.  I’m now training to be a nurse.  It’s a big deal – the song, Sunrise Way, staying sober, the choices I’m making now.  I’m proud of it now.  I’m not ashamed.  I realise now that I am so much stronger than I ever imagined.  I cry when I listen to the song but they’re not sad tears.  I have lost a lot of stuff, but I’ve now gained so much.  I’ve now got my self-worth.  I’m not welling up from sadness or regret.  I’m grateful and blown away of the life that I am now living.”

For more information about Sunrise Way and its programs, please visit their website https://www.sunriseway.com.au/.

New Position Papers: Drug Checking & Effective Responses to Drug Use

Two new QNADA positions papers are now available on our website!

Simply click on each image below to read the full version. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like more information.

Drug Checking

Effective Responses to Drug Use

Peaks Network Position Statement on Drug Checking (including Pill Testing)

The State and Territory Alcohol and Other Drug Peaks Network (Peaks Network) supports the Australia-wide implementation of drug checking, including pill testing, as an important addition to our long-standing commitment to reducing the harms associated with drug use.

To read the full version, please click onto the image below.

QNADA policy position papers are now available online

Our policy position in regard to decriminalisation, stigma and discrimination and systemic responses are now available on our website.

Simply click on each image below to read the full version.

Alternatively, you can find them under the “About Us” tab on the home page.

Please feel free to get in touch if you would like more information.

Our position –  Decriminalisation 

Our position – Systemic responses

Our position – Stigma and discrimination 

Brisbane North Partners in Recovery project outcomes

During 2015-16 QNADA worked on a project to increase treatment access and harm reduction for people experiencing co-occurring AOD and mental health issues. The Partners in Recovery consortium recently released a vodcast of QNADA CEO, Rebecca Lang discussing the project outcomes. Watch the video below and head here for more information.

Rebecca Lang speaks with ABC24

Rebecca Lang, QNADA CEO, spoke with ABC24 on 8th July 2019 about the recent Queensland Productivity Commission report.