Our members
QNADA members provide a diverse range of services.
You can find out more about them by heading to their websites. You can also find out where they are located and information about their services in the service finder.
Go to the service finderCurrent members
Anglicare Northern Queensland Ltd
Apunipima – Cape York Health Council
Australian Community Support Organisation Ltd (ACSO)
Better Together Community Support
Bridges Health and Community Care
Cape York Family Centre (Pinangba; UnitingCare)
Centacare Far North Queensland
Central Queensland Indigenous Development Ltd
Central Queensland, Wide Bay, Sunshine Coast PHN
Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN
Footprints in Brisbane Incorporated
Galangoor Duwalami Primary Healthcare Service
Gallang Place Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation
Gindaja Treatment and Healing Indigenous Corporation
Gold Coast Pharmaceutical Support
Goldbridge Rehabilitation Services
Gumbi Gumbi Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation
Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH)
Indigenous Wellbeing Centre (IWC)
Najara Therapeutic Community (WHOS Sunshine Coast)
New Childrens / New Adult Pathways
Ngoonbi Community Services Indigenous Corporation
NPA Family and Community Services
Pharmaceutical Rehabilitation Services
Pormpur Paanth Aboriginal Corporation
Queensland Injectors Health Network (QuIHN)
Queensland Injectors Voice for Advocacy and Action (QuIVAA)
Salvation Army Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services
Stagpole Street Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Unit
The Banyans Health and Wellness
The Loop Safety Testing Ltd (The Loop Australia)
YETI (Youth Empowered Towards Independence)