Points of Interest in Lower Manhattan

St Vincent de Paul Society Qld – House of Hope


Corinda QLD, Australia

Intake number

0408 356 311

Freecall number

1800 846 643

Intake email




Intake opening hours



House of Hope is a women‘s only residential service which offers a structured program designed to help women with their substance use goals.

The length of the program is 12 weeks, with the goal being to help develop practical strategies to live a life free of problematic substance use.

The program will also help address issues related to family relationships, work and/or other comorbidities.

House of Hope is staffed by a team of experienced people who provide a safe, supportive and non-judgmental environment.
On entering the residential service participants will:

  • Move into a share house with people in a similar situation
  • Take part in group sessions covering addictive behaviour, thoughts and triggers, relapse prevention and lifestyle changes
  • Share responsibility for cooking and cleaning
  • Take responsibility for keeping your space tidy, and for your grooming and medication
  • Enjoy group social and exercise activities
  • Get help to access other services such as individual counselling, peer support groups and recreation activities
  • Learn about goal setting, budgeting, coping strategies and other life skills
  • Receive counselling about relationships, grief, addiction or gambling
  • Access optional post-residential treatment support

Upon graduation, clients have access to post-support for an additional
period of 12 weeks.

Intake, assessment and referral

Open/ anyone can make an appointment

Initial assessment via phone or in person

Clients may begin to engage with the service prior to admission via the Community Care team. Engagement can include 1:1 case management, psychoeducation groups and more, based on individual need.

Hospital and Health Service Region

Metro South

Primary Health Network region

Brisbane South

Age range

18+ years

Treatment type

Rehabilitation (e.g. residential, day programs)

Medication exclusions

Opioids, Benzodiazepines (e.g. Diazepam), Schedule 8 drugs (e.g. Dexamphetamine, anti-psychotic medications)

Smoking permitted

Yes, Nicotine replacement therapy offered

Phones permitted

contact service for information


$400 or 80% of income

Payment frequency


Close to public transport


Family / children access


Interpreter access



Yes, for intake