Indigenous Wellbeing Centre (IWC)
Indigenous Wellbeing Centre (IWC)

184 Barolin St Bundaberg, Qld 4670Post address
PO Box 1963 Bundaberg, Qld 4670Intake number
1300 492 492Freecall number
1300 492 492Intake email opening hours
Monday to Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm Friday 8:00am - 4:30pmAbout IWC
The Indigenous Wellbeing Centre (IWC) is a non-government, community-run and charitable service provider of health services across the Bundaberg, Wide Bay and Burnett region in Queensland. IWC provides a range of health services with a specific focus on assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non Indigenous people who are vulnerable or disadvantaged. Services include comprehensive primary health care, allied health services, community services and family support.
Program/s overview of the alcohol and other drugs program:
Provides counselling, case management, early intervention and education services. It does so through:
• Individual and group counselling
• Education and information sessions
• Complex Case management including referrals to internal and external services
• Family Support
• Delivering and participating in AOD-free initiatives
• Liaising with agencies and community group
• Advocacy
To help deal with the underlying causes and outcomes of AOD use, we offer whole-of-person health, wellbeing and family services. These include:
• Medical and Health support programs
• Social, Emotional and Wellbeing support programs
Intake, assessment and referral
Open referral, anyone can make an appointment. The initial assessment will be conducted in person, over the phone or at client’s choice.
Additional information
Some outreach services are available, please contact the service for more information.