Galangoor Duwalami Primary Healthcare Service – Social and Emotional Wellbeing Program, Hervey Bay clinic
Galangoor Duwalami Primary Healthcare Service – Social and Emotional Wellbeing Program, Hervey Bay clinic

7-11 Central Ave, Pialba QLD, AustraliaIntake number
07 4194 5554Freecall number
1300 968 743Intake email opening hours
Monday to Friday: 08:30 am - 5:00 pmAbout Galangoor Duwalami Primary Health Service
Galangoor Duwalami Primary Healthcare Service is a community controlled service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the Fraser Coast. They provide holistic, culturally appropriate services relevant to the needs of their community.
Primary healthcare clinic with wrap-around allied health and other health services including social and emotional wellbeing program.
Intake, assessment and referral
Open referral, anyone can make an appointment. Initial assessment will be conducted in person, online or via phone.
Additional information
You must be a patient to access Social & Emotional Wellbeing Services