Communify QLD – Springboard
Communify QLD – Springboard

10 Love Street, Spring Hill QLD, AustraliaIntake number
07 3308 4513Intake email opening hours
Monday to Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PMAbout Communify QLD
Communify provides services and activities that enhance the quality of life for families and individuals. Communify works with local people to promote a socially just and diverse community, and to build community capacity with a major focus on the welfare and well-being of those who are disadvantaged and vulnerable, either socially, physically, intellectually, or emotionally.
Springboard is a FREE 18-week community day program for people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol and other drugs challenges. The program begins with a six-week intensive group, followed by twelve weeks of individual support and ongoing access to weekly peer support groups.
Group Treatment: The six-week group is structured to include the following sessions:
- Psychological Health: Concepts and skills from Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and other evidence-informed approaches
to support learning and action. - Physical Health: Taking a holistic review of recovery, we incorporate gym exercise, yoga and dietitian sessions to support a healthy mind-body relationship and active lifestyle
- Relapse Prevention: Craving management, safety planning and harm-reduction strategies to reduce risk of relapse
Intake, assessment and referral
Open referral, anyone can make an appointment.
Eligibility: Springboard is available to eligible people who:
• Aged 18+ years;
• Residing within the Metro North or Metro South Hospital and Health Service catchments or surrounding catchments if accessing service via HADS
• Have completed detox or do not require detox – including stabilisation on a replacement program
• Are able to engage safely in group and 1:1 sessions
• Are committed to attend the program for the full 18 weeks
We understand there are many pathways to recovery so we welcome enquiries about eligibility and entry to the program.
Additional information
Download the Springboard brochure here
Download the program referral form here
Read the Springboard Evaluation Report here