Carbal Medical Services – Warwick
Carbal Medical Services – Warwick

Warwick Queensland, AustraliaIntake number
1300 379 558Website opening hours
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pmAbout Carbal Medical Services
Carbal Medical Services provide medical, health, social and cultural support for members or the broader and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. The service is staffed by Aboriginal Health Workers, counsellors, case workers, GPs, nurses, psychologists and allied health professionals such as occupational therapists, speech pathologists and podiatrists. Clients are able to organise a mental health care plan and chronic disease management plans through the clinic. Workers also provide a strong outreach focus for those who can’t make it to a clinic. The team are able to provide culturally respectful referrals and support around alcohol and other drug concerns.
- Carbal Addictive Support Service (CASS) is a culturally appropriate service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people struggling with alcohol and other drug issues. This team can be contacted directly on 4548 9500 or download their flyer by clicking here and here
- Carbal provide a General Practice clinic for medical health assessments and Better Access referrals to see a psychologist
- The Medical Outreach Boomerang Van provide an outreach health service for those unable to visit a clinic
- Their Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) program provides support and guidance for those looking to cease smoking
Carbal Addiction Support Services
Intake, assessment and referral
Open referrals, anyone can make an appointment. The initial appointment will be conducted in person on site.
Additional information
A Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) operates next door to the medical clinic at Warwick Friendly Society Pharmacy at Unit 2, 53 Wood Street.