Browns Plains Community Health Centre
Browns Plains Community Health Centre
Browns Plains Community Health Centre, Middle Road, Hillcrest, Queensland, AustraliaIntake number
(07) 3489 2777Intake email the Browns Plains Community Health Centre
Browns Plains Community Health Centre is a multidisciplinary facility that provides community health programs and clinics for adults and children. They have medical, nursing, allied health and administration staff who work together to provide you with the highest quality care.
The centre offers a number of services including:
- AoD Services
- Child and Youth Mental Health
It is also a primary outlet for the Needle and Syringe Programs.
If you need help with an alcohol or other drug use issue, Addiction Services can help.
We are a free service for anybody affected by alcohol or other drugs, including carers, friends and family. You do not need a referral. What you tell us is confidential.
An outreach service is available at Beenleigh Community Health Centre on certain days by appointment. When you contact the service, we will ask some questions and chat about your concerns to come up with a plan together.
Please contact Logan Alcohol and Drug Service on 3489 2700 for further information.
Needle and Syringe Programs (NSPs): offers needle distribution or exchange, the NSP service is available from Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 4:30pm.
Intake, assessment and referral
Anyone with a substance use issue or their family members and friends are eligible to access services for an assessment. Services provided are confidential.
Please contact the Metro South Addiction Services Intake Hub on 3489 2777 for further information.
Additional information
The Needle and Syringe Program is open from Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 4:30pm.