Anglicare North Queensland – Lyons Street Diversionary Service (Cairns)
Anglicare North Queensland – Lyons Street Diversionary Service (Cairns)

53 – 59 Lyons St, CairnsIntake number
07 4046 8082Fax number
07 4035 3822Intake email
diversionarypm@anglicare.netWebsite opening hours
24 hours a day, 7 days a weekAbout Anglicare North Queensland
Anglicare NQ delivers a range of programs offering support for AOD, diversionary care, homelessness, youth and mental health in the Cairns, Mt Isa and Mackay Whitsunday regions. Anglicare NQ also offers services for carers, who provide support to adults or children with mental health issues, through respite programs.
The Diversionary Centre supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 18 years and over, or aged 17 years and over if referred by the Queensland Police Service, who are at risk of being taken into custody for public intoxication offences.
The Centre is a sobering up facility for intoxicated individuals who are causing a public nuisance, or who would otherwise be detained at the Cairns Watch-House. The Centre provides a safe and culturally appropriate sobering up facility where clients are provided with supervision (half hourly observations), care, companionship and support. While individuals are in the centre they are provided with meals and access to personal hygiene and laundry facilities.
The Diversionary Centre staff provides an assisted referral process to appropriate agencies, as well as assisting clients to attend medical and court appointments by arranging transport and/or referral to support agencies.
Intake, assessment and referral
People can access the Diversionary Centre by self-presentation or assistance from support services. The Centre is open 24 hours per day and clients are encouraged to stay for a minimum of four hours or until sober. The Centre accepts walk in referrals as well as referrals from the police and a range of other services and agencies in the community.The Centre also provides a client pick-up service at various locations around the city in response to referral requests.
Additional information
The Quigley Street Night Shelter located in 6 – 8 Quigley Street, Cairns hosts drug and alcohol counselling every Monday (hosted by Wuchopperen).