Community of Practice for Team Leaders/Supervisors

QuIVAA is excited to announce the return of our Community of Practice, now specifically designed for Team Leaders and Supervisors of AOD Peer Workers, whether they identify as peers or oversee peer teams. Building on the incredible success of last year’s Community of Practice, this iteration offers a safe, welcoming, and empowering space for peer […]


QuIVAA Peer Community of Practice

QuIVAA’s Community of Practice for Peers – a safe, welcoming, and empowering space tailored for AOD Peer Workers who incorporate lived and living experience into their work. Last year’s CoP was a huge success, providing a powerful opportunity for peers to connect, share, and grow. This year, QuIVAA are inviting past participants to continue building […]


Community of Practice for Team Leaders/Supervisors

QuIVAA is excited to announce the return of our Community of Practice, now specifically designed for Team Leaders and Supervisors of AOD Peer Workers, whether they identify as peers or oversee peer teams. Building on the incredible success of last year’s Community of Practice, this iteration offers a safe, welcoming, and empowering space for peer […]


Insight (Qld) and 360Edge also offer AOD related trainings and workshops