Lifelong consequences of prenatal drug exposure


Prenatal drug exposure is one of the fastest growing public health problems in the world. A great deal of attention is focused on treating the infant's withdrawal after birth and reducing duration of hospitalisation but emerging evidence shows that later problems, such as increased risk of death, disability and intra-generational disadvantage. The focus on identifying, […]


Living the work: Exploring lived experience in the AOD workforce


There is increasing recognition of the value of the AOD peer workforce. However, less is known about AOD workers who have lived and living experience of AOD use, but do not work in designated peer roles. This presentation provides an overview of the demographic and professional profile of AOD workers with lived and living experience, […]


Trauma informed care


Respond sensitively and effectively to people who have experienced trauma  A large proportion of people in alcohol and other drug treatment have experienced trauma as a child or adult. In this interactive online workshop, learn how to deliver alcohol and other drug treatment in a trauma informed way to improve outcomes. You will also learn […]


The impact of opioid agonist treatment on injecting-related diseases


About this event The seminar will give an overview of a study that investigates the impact of opioid agonist treatment (OAT) on hospitalisations for injecting-related diseases using large administrative health data. The sample includes people who have been prescribed OAT in New South Wales from 2001 to 2017. We compared the incidence rates of hospitalisations […]


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference

Sea World Conference Centre Seaworld Dr, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference is designed to provide practical skills, relevant information, personal insight, and strategies for professionals committed to the mental health and wellbeing of young people. The conference theme is Listen, learn and co-design: Establishing partnerships with children, young people and families. This theme focuses on incorporating all stakeholders in the delivery of […]

Insight (Qld) and 360Edge also offer AOD related trainings and workshops