FASD Forum ’22 Conference


The inaugural FASD Forum '22 Conference aims to provide an opportunity for everyone interested in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) to hear from research-leading and lived-experience experts. The conference theme is FASD@50 reflecting that it is 50 years since FASD was first identified in medical literature in the English-speaking world. Presentations over the two-day conference will cover themes […]

The eyes have it. Or do they?


This presentation will provide an introduction to Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) including review of the evidence base and considerations for use within AOD treatment. Anthony Bligh is Director of Psychology, Metro North Mental Health. Anthony has been using EMDR in private practice since initial training in 2014 and uses it to treat complex trauma.


Responding to trauma in alcohol and other drug treatment


Deepen your understanding of trauma and gain real skills in managing trauma-related symptoms in alcohol and other drug practice settings Building on our trauma-informed training, this workshop will give you a step up in responding to trauma. You will learn how to recognise the biopsychosocial impacts of trauma and integrate recovery-oriented interventions into your alcohol […]


From ‘Bro, do you even lift?’ to ‘Bro, do you even science?’: Consumer perspectives on enhancement drug harm reduction


This presentation describes how people who use image and performance enhancing drugs reduce the harms of their drug use. It illustrates how the shift towards scientifically informed drug practice has impacted on the harm reduction practices of enhanced bodybuilders. Furthermore it highlights the opportunities that this shift presents for collaboration between enhanced bodybuilders and the professionals who […]


Superskills for supervisors


Build your leadership skills and contribute to the next generation of practitioners The key to great practice is great supervision. If you are a practice or clinical supervisor in the alcohol and other drug sector or want to become one, and you are ready for your next professional challenge, this workshop is for you. Gain […]


Insight (Qld) and 360Edge also offer AOD related trainings and workshops