From ‘Bro, do you even lift?’ to ‘Bro, do you even science?’: Consumer perspectives on enhancement drug harm reduction


This presentation describes how people who use image and performance enhancing drugs reduce the harms of their drug use. It illustrates how the shift towards scientifically informed drug practice has impacted on the harm reduction practices of enhanced bodybuilders. Furthermore it highlights the opportunities that this shift presents for collaboration between enhanced bodybuilders and the professionals who […]


Superskills for supervisors


Build your leadership skills and contribute to the next generation of practitioners The key to great practice is great supervision. If you are a practice or clinical supervisor in the alcohol and other drug sector or want to become one, and you are ready for your next professional challenge, this workshop is for you. Gain […]


Sex Work, AOD and Mental Health: Working with sex workers


Many sex workers report barriers to accessing services for AOD and/or mental health. Learn how to better interact with this unique demographic. Respect Inc provides sexual health information, advocacy and support to sex workers across QLD.  Hazy Inseptember is Career Development Officer at Respect inc. and also works as a counsellor in a clinical setting for an […]


Aboriginal Mental Health Assessment and Suicide Prevention in Aboriginal Communities

This three-day workshop aims to improve the cultural competencies of participants undertaking a mental health assessment of Aboriginal patients and also provide information on suicide prevention and postvention strategies in Aboriginal communities. Participants taking part in this workshop will: complete the Aboriginal Mental Health Cultural Competency Profile achieve accreditation in the Westerman Aboriginal Symptom Checklist - youth […]

Help! I’ve been subpoenaed


Do you know what to say and do if you are subpoenaed to appear in court? Are your case notes court-ready Nearly 50% of alcohol and other drug workers have had their case notes subpoenaed. Are yours court-ready? Write great case notes and feel confident giving evidence in court with this fun and practical case […]


Insight (Qld) and 360Edge also offer AOD related trainings and workshops