There is increasing recognition of the value of the AOD peer workforce. However, less is known about AOD workers who have lived and living experience of AOD use, but do not work in designated peer roles. This presentation provides an overview of the demographic and professional profile of AOD workers with lived and living experience, and how wellbeing can be supported and promoted among this group from an organisational perspective.
Victoria Kostadinov is a Senior Research Officer at NCETA. She holds a Masters degree in Organisational Psychology, and her research interests include the social determinants of alcohol and drug use, and particularly the role of the workplace.
Dr Natalie Skinner is a Senior Research Fellow at NCETA. Her areas of expertise are in organisational and social psychology. Her specialist area is workforce development, addressing a wide range of areas including wellbeing in the workplace, organisational culture, workplace training and job quality. She has also has a particular interest in connecting research and practice with a focus on promoting evidence-based policies and practices in industries, workplaces and work teams. Natalie holds a PhD in Psychology.
Insight (Qld) and 360Edge also offer AOD related trainings and workshops