Points of Interest in Lower Manhattan

Cape York Family Centre – Pinangba


7 Flaggy Road, Cooktown QLD, Australia

Intake number

07 4082 2420

Intake email




Intake opening hours

8:30am - 4:30pm

About Cape York Family Centre

Pinangba is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led service delivery arm of UnitingCare. The foundations of Pinangba are built from our cultural identity and strong community relationships and partnerships.

It provides residential alcohol and other drug rehabilitation services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families of Cape York in Far North Queensland at The Cape York Family Centre (CYFC). CYFC is a modified therapeutic model which incorporates a systemic family therapy framework to deliver treatment. It aims to deliver trauma-informed, culturally safe and responsive AOD residential rehabilitation services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.


Adults admitted to the CYFC will attend daily programs inclusive of Relapse Prevention, Parenting (PPP & COS), Family Connections (Relationships & DFV), Culture, Men’s & Women’s Group, Health Promotion and Play & Learn. Children will attend Cooktown State School, Cooktown Daycare/kindy or attend child minding on site whilst parents attend program.

The program duration is 4-6 months and has 4 structured stages:

  • Stage 1 (4-6 wks) Holding and Healing – Clients are supervised off site during this period to hold ongoing abstinence and support the healing journey.
  • Stage 2 (6-10 wks) Looking Inwards – Clients are reflecting inwards and developing goals on their treatment plans.
  • Stage 3 (10-20 wks) Looking Outwards – While progressing treatment plan goals clients are beginning to look outwards and test the relapse prevention skills they are developed during their stay.
  • Stage 4 Aftercare – Clients will receive up to 18 months support via brief long therapy following their return to community

Intake, assessment and referral

Open referrals, anyone can make an appointment. Initial assessment will be conducted in person, over the phone, or online. An appropriate intake process will be organised with the client and the referrer.

Essential eligibility criteria includes:

  • One member of the family unit has a current drug and/or alcohol issue.
  • The CYFC operates under an abstinence framework and clients participating in harm minimisation programs such as the Methadone program will not be eligible.
  • The families community of origin is a welfare reform community Aurukun, Coen, Hopevale, Mossman Gorge or is in the local Cook area (Wujal Wujal and Laura) (Families who have strong family connections to these communities but are not currently residing in the community will also be considered).
  • The family must have children currently residing with them or are actively pursuing reunification of their children. A 4 week timeframe for reunification back into the parent’s care following admission of the parent/s will be discussed with the family and services prior to approving admission.
  • Parents are responsible for all aspects of their children’s care – SEWB, Physical, Emotional and Educational. (Support will be provided to parents via psychoeducational programs, family therapy and individual counselling.
  • The family are aware of the referral and the purpose of the Centre has been discussed. (daily program attendance is mandatory).
  • The family are willing to be assessed and are aware that the service is voluntary.

Additional information

Clients are supported to access the Patient Transfer Scheme for transport to and from the service. During admission the CYFC will support client transport throughout the local Cooktown area as per the boarding agreement.

Intake done over the phone.

Hospital and Health Service Region

Torres and Cape

Primary Health Network region

Northern Queensland

Age range

18+ years, 12 – 17 years

Treatment type

Psychosocial intervention (e.g. counselling), Rehabilitation (e.g. residential, day programs), Withdrawal management (detoxification)

Medication exclusions

Opioids, Benzodiazepines (e.g. Diazepam)

Smoking permitted

Yes, Nicotine replacement therapy offered

Phones permitted



Fees applied, please contact service for information.

Payment frequency

Per pay cycle

Family / children access


Interpreter access



Yes, for intake.